Men of One Accord

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Archive for the tag “lost”

Monday Quotes!

Charles Spurgeon


If any of you should ask me for an epitome of the 

Christian religion,

I should say it in one

word – Pray.

Live and die without 


and you will pray long enough

when you get to 


Suspended Children

Who are the suspended Children?

You see them every day, they are all around you.

These children are the children who do not know Jesus!

All around you in this country in your neighborhood are children 9 to 12 years of age who do not know Jesus. There may even be a suspended child in your home. These children do not know what sin is and they do not know Hell is a real place. These children are suspended above the flames of Hell waiting for you to teach them about the wages of sin. Romans 6:23; “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.”

You and I who say that we are followers of Christ have been given a commission by Jesus: Mark 16: 15-16; “And He said (Jesus) to them, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to EVERY creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved: he who does not believe is condemned.”

Our world is the people living around us these are the ones we are to teach the Gospel. In my thinking our Abba Father Wants to move among the people of the world again and wants to embrace the children of the United States. In the past when there was a move of God it has been a move in the younger people in this nation. I think back to Jesus people of 1960’s it was the young people touched by Jesus and the way we did church in America has been changed forever. The movement came about by one man with a burden and a prayer to reach the hippies. Young people the hippies had emptiness in their hearts and were searching for something to fill the void.

One day my heart became so burdened for children, it may have been after one of the school shootings, hearing about children having sex at the age of ten with one another, or even after seeing the lines of children waiting to buy the new Harry Potter book. Children are exposed to so much emptiness these days my heart broke, so I prayed. For about three years I prayed for the children. God gave me Donkey Tells, simply said, Donkey Tells is the Gospel of Jesus Christ told to children for the ages of 9 to 12 year old.

With all the disasters happening in this country as of lately I found myself in the book of Joel. Joel used the disasters to call the people to repent. I am not saying that the disasters in our country are judgments of God. One verse jumped out at me Joel 1:3;

Tell your children about it

Let you children tell their


And their children another


God created donkeys to come alongside of man to help him carry the loads in life that were too heavy to be carried by him. Suspended donkeys are books that help you and are sent out for the suspended children to introduce them to Jesus. “Donkey Tells, A Promise Kept” is the gospel of Jesus Christ in words that anyone can understand. Donkey Tells is a tool to help anyone show a child the love of Jesus. Donkey Tells is a tool to open the door to teach a child about Jesus.

Children Only Know

What YOU

Teach Them!

A suspended book is a book that is bought for a child who does not know Jesus. Maybe you buy one book for yourself and another for the little trouble maker next door.

I am also looking for away to give a book to every child who has fallen into hard times. I wish to give a Suspended Donkey to foster care children, homeless children, any child in need, and all suspended children over the flames of HELL. Donkey Tells, is a donkey that comes alongside and carries them to the loving arms of Jesus.

Jesus said, “Let the Little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 19:14

Again a task before me has been given of which I do not know how to do. Again to our Abba I shall not be saying no. Yet to you my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus I am asking you to be of One Accord with me telling the children of the world about the Love of Jesus? I would love to hear your input on how we shall do this task. I have some ideas yet I believe many of you out there may have better ideas than I. Let us be the ones to introduce the Children to Jesus and His love for His glory forever and ever, Amen.

If you do not wish to leave your comment here or idea I can be reached at

This post shall also be posted as a new page also, Thank-you everyone and God Bless.

The Question

When I first saw Your face!

I came over with an amazing grace.

I felt your love abound in me,

with heavenly angels all around


But now I feel You left me behind!

An I just another man gone blind?

 You have made a lame man walk

and a blind man see.

     But why, not for me?

If faith ‘is’ the key then death is the door.

But when You open death’s door

will there be any more?

The ONLY Question truly is,

DO You really exist?

Or are You just a theory,

like those evolutionist’s?


Why is death so great?

It will be there for your fate.

Heaven and Hell we surly know.

But where do we belong above or below?

I know its face I know it true.

But when its time it will come for me too.

The Storm

Out to sea this vessel set sail

Winds soon turned to gale

Battering waves besieged

 Vessel’s hull bucked

Sea spilled in

 The vessel stalled

Making no way against the wind

At all.

Till the Master spoke:

Peace My child

Be still.

This vessel is going to

The other side.

Into the eye of the storm

This vessel did sail.

Winds claimed

As waves retreated

Pumps engaged

Oceans’ water returned

To the sea

Hands hasten

Hatches re-fortified

Planks re-fasten

Heart beats slowed

Deep breaths taken,

As the Master spoke:

Peace my child

Be still.

This vessel is going to

The other side.

Out of the eye of the storm

This vessel did sail.

Cyclone determined

To make its final rail

Winds growled

The tempest hailed.

Timbers strained

Ribbing twisted

Planking cracked

Seams leaked

The vessel was surely lost.

Till the Master spoke:

Peace My child

Be still.

This vessel has reached

The other side.

Again I have been inspired by another blogger!

  1. awomansaved

O’ Wretched Soul

These poems are a collaboration of two souls who write for the love of Yeshua.

O’ This Wretched Soul

An original  from days past by James Neff of Men Of One Accord


O’ this wretched soul

of mine

over hell’s fire suspends

to be lost for all time

obstinate awaiting life’s end.

O’ this wretched soul

stone cold harden heart

toiler chained to villainy

to be forever hell’s tart

lost ship in the sea of iniquity.

O’ this wretched soul

 naked before the Father’s Throne

pungent humiliation shadow of life

another sinner scorned

scourged by strife.

O’ this wretched soul

is there any hope for me?

will Yeshua’s forgiveness Flow?

can Yeshua set this soul free?

I plead for Yeshua hell’s debt to suspend

upon which now this soul depends.

prostrate before Abba’s Throne

please take this prodigal back Home?

O’ this wretched soul

of mine.



O’ Wretched Soul

A new take on an original by Deborah Gomez of awomansaved.

 O’ Wretched Soul | awomansaved


O’ wretched soul


unbending I await life’s end


whilst over hell’s fire I suspend

O’ wretched soul


is this stone cold heart


in bitter taste of hell’s tart

O’ wretched soul


is this sinner to villainy


lost in this sea of iniquity

O’ wretched soul


by strife this leper left scorn


in humiliation before the Father’s Throne

O’ wretched soul


to Yeshua’s redemptive flow


to you is His forgiveness to sow

Never again left to suspend

on His love you now depend

He has heard your prayer’s voice

O’ wretched soul


The Necktie of Purpose: A poem

Here is a poem I think you find that stretches  you out a wee bit!

In Memory of Chuck Smith

Pastor Chuck, Thank-you for your service. It was through Your ministry that I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as savior. I will miss you, James


Someone once said, “Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.” That I find is a mystery to be pondered for sure. 

Still yet I find an even greater mystery for pondering: So numberless are the acorns born each year yet all do fall. Countless acorns are gathered by the beasts of the trees, the beasts of field, and the birds of the air. Acorns unnumbered that are carried away and then, they are no more.

Still yet are the untold acorns that fall to the ground and are never to be found. These lost untold acorns die, rot, and then return to dust of the earth from which they came.

Still yet there are the numbering of acorns that fall to the ground, that do not enter the earth, and yet still they die. In the spring when the rains come these acorns sprout up with new life and push upward to the heavens. Yet when the sun beats down on them in the summer drought, they wither, and death wins. For they are the numbered that have no root deep into the earth. For these numbered did not feed upon the nutrients of the earth nor have they drank fully of the water of life. For these who are the counted also die and return to dust of the earth from which they came.

Still yet are the acorns, the few, that fall to the ground, enter the earth and die. When the spring rain comes these few rise up with new life, and push upward to the heavens as their roots dig downward deep into the earth. Yet when the sun beats down, in the summer drought they do not wither. These few filled with new life have roots dug down deep into the earth to feed upon nutrients of the earth and drink freely of the water of life. As years upon years past, storms come, flood waters rise and fall, yet the years of drought pass by, these few with new life keep growing on. Massive oaks they have become producing much fruit and always growing upward till their purpose has been made full. Then they also die and return to the dust of the earth from which they came. 

 Still yet I find this to be a mystery: So is it also the same with a man? 

Last Request!

May I pass down to you

a little of

my life’s knowledge?

Now these days

 young people hardly muse

the words of old men.

Time has marched on

sunsets of my past

far exceed

my sunrises I’ve yet to see.

Entering the final turn

knowing the finish line

 the home stretch lies ahead.

I sprint now to

empty myself of all mercy

that has been poured into me.

Leaving no prayer unsaid

no un-repentant sin

no hurt un-forgiven

blessing all who 

around me I see.

Reaching out in love

to those who hate me

laying hands on the sick

instructing the children

encouraging the young

picking up the fallen

I will sprint on.

Exhaling all self

denying the flesh

exhausting the body

no time to rest

yes I sprint on.

 When I cross the finish line

to look upon my race 

regrets I will not see

I will not wish 

I had prayed more

 read the Bible more 

given more

loved more

for I will have

used even my last breath

for my Lord.


My Dad and I have always been very close and after I gave my life to Jesus we became even closer. Four years ago in August my Dad went to spend all eternity at our Abba Father’s throne. I was asked to write his eulogy this was what I came up with. My mother disliked it so much,  pitched a fit, and it was never read.  If you knew my Dad, one would say yes that was he. 

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It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightest weapons. ~ William Gurnall